You know your A/C is broken when . . .

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

11. When you get up from the couch you automatically look back to see if you left a sweat angel (think of a snow angel)

10. You don't sleep with any blankets or sheets.

9. You sweat just sitting in the luxury of your home.

8. No matter how long you have the blow dryer on, your clients hair doesn't seem to be getting dry. (Hmmm. . . maybe she's sweating just a little bit.)

7. Your daughter is drinking so much water, even the camels are jealous of her.

6.Your constantly finding excuses to leave your house, even if it's just to sit in your car with the a/c blasting.

5. Running out of HOT water in the shower is a WONDERFUL thing.

4. You go to pick up a Hersheys candy Bar in your pantry to find it melted.

3. Your neighbor visits you and within minutes she has gathered 3 fans from 3 different neighbors, one of which is a window a/c unit. ( That also shows you what amazing neighbors we have!)

2. You set out a stick of butter to let it soften a bit before cooking and come back to find it melted on the counter.

And the #1 reason you know your A/C is NOT working. . . . . The thermometer reads 87 DEGREES in your house.


jessica said...

we haven't had a/c in this place until just a few weeks ago (2 weeks ago, to be exact) so i totally feel your pain. and there are floor to ceiling walls in every room of this house, so the sunlight just POURS in. the worst is been was 92 degrees. and i literally had to leave the house & got sit in the car with the dogs & the a/c because i was worried about them.

good luck. it sucks!

jessica said...

wow. typos.

"it's" not "is"
"go" not "got"

i promise i have a brain.