Tuesday, October 26, 2010
This year my Dad's birthday fell on Father's day. It's always bitter sweet when that happens. I'm trying really hard to be better about not having big days (like his birthday, Father's Day, or the day he passed away) be a sad day. My sister is a great example to me, and on days like that, she makes it a big celebration about remembering his life, and all the good things he did while he was here, and remembering all the good memories we have of him. I'm trying to follow her example!
Ryan, Kate, and I went to visit Dad on his birthday and Father's Day.
She was so happy to be there!
I remember this day like it was yesterday! I felt so LUCKY to have my Dad baptize me. He had been really sick, and didn't know if he would be able to do it. He had lost his voice completely. I knew he wanted to be the one to baptize me, and he did everything in his power to make that happen! Since his voice was gone, my wonderful Grandpa confirmed me. I feel honored to have the 2 most important men in my life at the time perform those ordinances for me.
framed it, and gave to all his sisters. It's such a classy picture! Thanks Parker!
Oh how I miss him!
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