Moffitt PARTAY

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

As some of you know, we do an annual trip with the Moffitt's. The last 4 years it's been to Newport California. Ryan and I couldn't go last year do to me being prego with Kate, so we were extra excited to attend this year with a new addition.
Here is Kate getting ready for the big trip. She got her beach toys and a hat from Nanna and Papa.
Kate and I went on a mini bike ride.
This is my new favorite restaurant in Newport, Blue Beet. You can see the guy in the background playing his guitar. He was amazing.
Kate was usually naughty in restaurants, so we would take turns walking around with her until the food came. This restaurant had three floors. Here's Kate and I browsing the 2nd floor.
Aunt Jess took some great pictures of Kate at the beach. (To view them all you can click here.)
This was my favorite one. She's just hanging out watching the boogie boarder.
Morgan and I were trying to make a sand castle, but I'm no good at that so Andy came and showed us how it's done! Everyone else came and helped.
Our little fam playing in the water. Kate absolutely LOVED it. We would bring her back to the sand, and she would crawl right back out into the ocean. She couldn't get enough of it.
Scotty, Ry, Mo, and Kate playin in the sand.
Nanna was so good to play with Kate.
One of her favorite things to do was come sit in these chairs then clap for herself because she was so proud!
Scott, Jon, Kate, and Megan.
Kate's first birthday was while we were in Newport and this is just a glimpse of it. I'll do another post dedicated to her BIG day.
One day we went to SOAK CITY. At the end of the day, the boys dared the girls to do something. . . . Here we are waiting. . .
Here are the boys waiting . . .
Wait for it . . . Wait for it . . .

And this is what they dared us to do!!! It was actually pretty fun. We had a good time.
Another day we went on a real bike ride with the fam to THE WEDGE. Kate had her moments. The first five minutes she was in heaven. Then she acted up. She was super tired. Ryan and I had to stop and calm her down. It took about a half hour before we were able to get back on the bikes. She eventually fell asleep!
Here's the whole fam at The Wedge. Kate was still sleeping, hence the bike in the family shot!
Unfortunately, the trip had to come to an end. Ryan and I drove to try and save money. Ten hours is a LONG time to be in a car. The DVD player was our lifesaver.
Scotty got his mission call and of all places, he got called to Long Beach California! It's the perfect place for him to serve. We are so happy for him. We might have to take a break from Newport next year, so goodbye Newport for now.


jen said...

So fun! I loooooove Newport...almost as much as Jackson :)

Natalie said...

FUN! I miss you guys! You look beautiful and your little girly is adorable! I Love Newport too, My Happiest Place on Earth!

Shay @ Sugarflies Designs said...

Okay, i LOVE the pic of Kate on the beach, with her cover-girl close-up! That should be on a baby ad...