I am 5 months old today

Monday, January 19, 2009

I (Kate) had so much fun doing my last post, that I thought I would do another one. I am 5 months old now. A lot has gone on the past month. I had my first Christmas and New Year.

I had rice cereal for the first time.

I have found my voice. I love talking just to hear my voice.

For the past few months my Mom has thought I've been teething but no teeth ever broke through, but now I think I might feel something coming in. The past few night's I've been waking up Mom and Dad a LOT. My Mom looses count after the 5th time I've woken her up. I drool a ton (but I always have). And I'm starting to get a runny nose. We'll see if any teeth break through soon.

I am starting to sit up on my own. I LOVE sitting up. I can see the world from a whole new perspective. I only last on my own for a few seconds though. I realize I'm doing it on my own and get so excited and loose my train of thought, and tumble on over!

I've been to a few weddings. Three to be more precise. They are a lot of fun, but take a lot out of you. I constantly had to be smiley and on my best behavior.

I got in another fender bender with Mom. This one wasn't bad at all though. The guy hit us going maybe 5 mph. (The roads were icy and he tried stopping at the red light, and his car slid.) I only fussed for two seconds before I decided I was ok and played with my toy again.
Here are some pictures of me!

I got my first car! It helps me sit up. It's a lot of fun, but it catches my attention for only a few minutes before I'm ready for a different toy.I had my first Christmas with Mom and Dad. I know I look bored in this picture, but I had just woken up from my nap.
For Christmas I got my first High Chair! I was so excited about this, as you can see in this picture. I knew this meant I was going to be getting more than just milk for my meals.
Here I am with G-G. I love her so much. We had a Christmas Party at her house on Christmas Eve. This was the evening and the place where I rolled from my belly to my back for the first time!


jen said...

Tell Kate that I really liked her post. She is such a cutie! And oh my gosh...another car accident?! I'm sorry! You've had your fair share of those for a while!

Jason and Summer, but really just Summer said...

She is getting so big. We can wait to see her in a few weeks!